GPU, Single, 20"x7', 1440, 750 mbtu

GPU, Single, 20"x7', 1440, 750 mbtu

$5,000 (USD)

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Gas production unit with a 20"x7' 1440 3-phase separator.  Heater has a 750 mbtu/hr burner and a 35"x78"x117" firetube. Coil is a single rated 2" XXH 5,000 psi coil, with 71.38 sq ft of preheat and 12.02 sq ft of expansion coil.


Model20"x7', 1440# Sep, 2" 5000# Coil
Serial Number12392
Stock Number1107-01
VesselHorizontal 3-Phase 20"x7' 1440 MAWP
Subcategory 2ASME
Coils2" 5000 MAWP
Heater rating1 mmbtu/hr
AccessoriesExhaust stack
Work Recently PerformedSandblasted the interior of the cabinet and coated with rust preventative coating.
Wear and TearNormal wear and tear.  Rust damage on top of waterbath. Choke functionality is unknown.
NotesThe unit is in fair "used" condition.
Origin CodeOC01