GPU, Single, 30"x10', 1440, 1.5 mmbtu

GPU, Single, 30"x10', 1440, 1.5 mmbtu

$11,000 (USD)

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Gas production unit with a horizontal 30"x10' 1440 MAWP 3-phase separator.  Heater has a 1.5 mmbtu/hr burner. Coil has 3" 6,000 psi preheat and expansion.


ManufacturerPride of the Hills
Model30"x10', 1440# Sep, 3" 6,000# Coil
Serial Number22683
Stock Number1202-07
VesselHorizontal 3-Phase 30"x10' 1440 MAWP
Subcategory 2ASME
Coils3" 5000 psi MAWP
Heater rating1.5 mmbtu/hr
Work Recently PerformedNo work recently performed
Wear and TearRusting on the inside of the cabinet indicates a water leak that sprayed the vessel, process piping, and supply gas. Accessories look compromised, but steel components appear in good working condition.
NotesThis unit is stored at our refurb shop in PA where we can perform UT, hydro and air testing to ensure the integrity of the subassemblies. Further, we have the ability to flush, sand blast and re-plumb the unit to customer specs.
Origin CodeOC01