GPU, Single, 24"x10', 1440, 750 mbtu

GPU, Single, 24"x10', 1440, 750 mbtu

$22,400 (USD)

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Gas production unit with a 24"x10' 1440 3-phase weir bucket separator.  Heater has a 750 mbtu/hr burner and a 10-3/4" x 11'6" firetube. Coil is a single rated 14-pass coil with 2" XXH 7,340 psi MAWP. All returns on coil are cushion T's. The unit is fully plumbed and fit for service.  


ManufacturerSuperior Fabrication Inc.
Model24"x10', 1440# Sep, 2" 7,340# Coil
Serial Number6653
Stock Number6653
VesselHorizontal 3-Phase 24"x10' 1440 MAWP
Subcategory 2ASME
Coils2" 7340#
Heater rating750 mbtu/hr
Shipping Dimensions222"L x 52"W x 70"T
Accessories(1) Tectrol choke  (2) Wellmark 5CSUA-LC-LO8 liquid level controllers (2) Kimray ECPCB 2400 SMA dump valve (1) 1"x1" PSV with set point @ 1440 psi (1) 1" 1600 psi rupture disk (1) 1/2" fuel train with regulators, valves and pressure gauges (1) 6-5/8"x2' 125 psi fuel pot (non-code)
Work Recently PerformedNone
Wear and TearNormal
NotesThe unit is surplus equipment built and stored by the OEM.
Origin CodeOC01