GPU, Single, 30"x8', 1440, 1.5 mmbtu

GPU, Single, 30"x8', 1440, 1.5 mmbtu

$120,000 (USD)



*NEW* 2019 RBI GPU. Unit includes a 30"x8' 1440# 3-phase separator, 3" 5,000# coils, 1.5 mmbtu/hr heater, and all electric controls.

***Manufacturer data book, P&ID and GA drawings are available upon request***


ManufacturerRiver Bend Industries
Model30"x8', 1440# Sep, 3" 5,000# Coil
Serial Number3567
Stock Number553-01
VesselHorizontal 3-Phase 30"x8' 1440 MAWP
Subcategory 2ASME
Coils3" 5000 psi MAWP
Heater rating1.5 mmbtu/hr
Overall dimensions100"W x 325"L x 162"T standing
Accessories***No Pneumatic controls on unit. Zero emission, electric controls throughout unit (full P&ID available upon request)**
Work recently performedNone
Wear and tearUnit is new, and in the same condition as warranted by manufacturer
TestUnit was built to B31.3 and ASME Section VII, Div 1 specifications.
NotesALL CONTROLS ON UNIT ARE ZERO EMISSION GPU includes rollup door for easy access
Origin CodeOC01