GPU, Single, 20"x8', 1440, 750 mbtu

GPU, Single, 20"x8', 1440, 750 mbtu

$15,500 (USD)

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Gas production unit with a horizontal 3-phase 20"x8' 1440 MAWP separator. Coils are 2" 6,500 psi MAWP on both preheat and expansion side of the choke. The heater has a rating of 750 mbtu/hr. The unit is fully plumbed and ready for service.


ManufacturerNational Tank Company
Model20"x8', 1440# Sep, 2" 6,500# Coil
Serial Number21000
Stock Number1053-10
VesselHorizontal 3-Phase 20"x8' 1440 MAWP
Subcategory 2ASME
Coils2" 6500 MAWP
Heater rating750 mbtu/hr
Overall dimensions58"W x 143"L x 83"T
Accessories(2) Kimray LLC (2) 2" Norriseal Dump Valves
Work Recently PerformedSteam cleaned inside and out Installed accessories Prepped and primed surface
Wear and TearFiretube has been patched on dry side of water bath flange
Testhydro tested separator hydro tested coil air tested firetube hydro test water bath UTT coil UTT separator
NotesThis GPU has not been in service for several years.
Origin CodeOC01