GPU, Single, 24"x10', 1440, 750 mbtu

GPU, Single, 24"x10', 1440, 750 mbtu

$14,000 (USD)

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Single gas production unit with a 24"x10' 1440 3-phase weir bucket separator.  Heater has a 750 mbtu/hr burner. Coils are 3" SCH160 5,000 psi for preheat and expansion passes. *Unit does nor include Meter run shown in pictures*


ManufacturerCurtiss Wright
Model24"x10', 1440# Sep, 3" 5000# Coil
Serial Number8451
Stock Number1257-02
VesselHorizontal 3-Phase 24"x10' 1440 MAWP
Subcategory 2ASME
Coils3" 5000 MAWP
Heater rating750 mbtu/hr
Work recently performedNone
Wear and tearNormal
NotesUnit does not include meter run shown in pictures. The unit is in good "used" condition.  Rusty floor inside cabinet. Stable to walk on, but repairs may be necessary.
Origin CodeOC01