Hammer Union Wing Nut, 2" FIG 1502, SCH XXH, 15000#

Hammer Union Wing Nut, 2" FIG 1502, SCH XXH, 15000#

$35.44 (USD)


Available quantity:7


SPM ™ Oil & Gas (SPM) provides superior products and service solutions to make our customers more efficient and lower total cost of ownership. More customers choose our SPM pressure pumping solutions than any other.

We provide SPM well service and stimulation pumps, SPM and Kemper flow control products, replacement expendable parts and supporting engineered repair services.

SPM's Pressure Control solutions include Seaboard" and KOP" wellheads, API valves, frac trees, managed pressure drilling equipment including Mathena" chokes, separators and containment equipment.


ManufacturerABC Co
Model2", FIG 1502
Serial Number1502 13U23B2 4281A 160U
Stock Number1502 13U23B2 4281A 160U
Size (in.)2
Warehouse LocationPA4G1
Domestic or ImportImport
NotesNew Surplus
Origin CodeOC01
